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Message from Advaita to all graduates of the teacher training courses of 2017

Dear colleagues,

Because of some personal mistakes that I actually do consider serious, the complete presentation of the material about the Law of Occult Offering was only partially accomplished during the special graduation ceremony of the 2017 classes of Yoga, Tantra, and Tantra for Women Teacher Training.

This situation means that after this important ceremony, the 2017 graduates still miss some fundamental elements from our spiritual guide. All these are basic elements of our activities as teachers and coordinators.

For this I deeply apologise to each and every one of you. In order to correct these mistakes as well as possible, we announce you that everything that was omitted in the graduation will be presented in the following way:

On the weekend of 9th till 11th of March 2018, in the Maha Yoga Centre in Berlin, where the next Atman International Teachers’ Meeting will take place, there will be two specially dedicated sessions for presenting the remaining material. These presentations will be available both locally in the hall in Berlin, as well as online broadcast through the platform of the Atman Online Yoga Academy to all schools of the all Atman federation for all teachers with valid diplomas.

Additionally, we will offer a re-screening of the 3 parts of the ‘Law of Occult Offering’ that were already presented in the Grand Graduation in Paradise Retreat Centre, Denmark, in November 2017. These will also be screened locally in Berlin as well as broadcast in the same frame as above.

Supplementary to these screenings, we will offer as a gift to all graduates of 2017 the recordings of the complete presentation of the Law of Occult Offering in the Herculane or Costinesti Yoga Holiday.

With humbleness,
Your spiritual brother Advaita


Pe 25 noiembrie 2017 ATMAN – Federația Internațională de Yoga și Meditație, a sărbătorit absolvirea unei noi promoții de instructori ai cursurilor de Yoga, Tantra și Tantra pentru femei.

Ceremonia de absolvire a fost transmisă LIVE pe MISA Senzațional TV. În cadrul acesteia, absolvenții au primit diplomele, premiile pentru cele mai bune proiecte și mențiunile speciale.



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