Film documentar: Operațiunea CHRIST – publicat integral



Filmul documentar Operațiunea CHRIST este o investigație în trei episoade într-un caz de grave încălcări ale drepturilor omului realizate de către autoritățile române împotriva mișcării spirituale yoghine MISA și a mentorului său Gregorian Bivolaru.

Aceste încălcări au culminat în anul 2004, într-un raid armat de o neobișnuită amploare al Poliției împotriva Școlii de yoga. Ca urmare, la scurt timp după aceea, Gregorian Bivolaru a plecat în Suedia, unde a primit azil politic în 2005.

Trilogia oferă dovezi concrete legate de mărturia trimisă de el la dosarul aflat pe rolul Tribunalului Cluj. În acest proces, deschis împotriva lui Gregorian Bivolaru și a altor 21 de practicanți yoga, munca voluntară realizată pentru organizație a fost prezentată de către procurori și de mass-media din România drept trafic de persoane. În România există de 25 de ani o intensivă campanie de presă împotriva acestei mișcări spirituale, ce abundă de acuzații. Premisa de nevinovăție nu este respectată, iar opinia lui Gregorian Bivolaru lipsește cu desăvârșire. Filmul vine să prezinte tocmai opinia fondatorului MISA, care consideră că respectivele acuzații sunt un rezultat al unei comenzi politice construită în spatele scenei de către politicieni de rang înalt în colaborare cu serviciile secrete din România și cu Parchetul și care sunt servite populației de către presa extrem de părtinitoare.

Dacă el are dreptate, atunci cine sunt cei care trebuie să răspundă pentru că o mișcare spirituală yoghină este considerată drept un pericol pentru securitatea națională? În România există o zicală „Adevăratul hoț strigă HOȚII către alții, cei nevinovați”.

Despre autor:
Nicolai Andersen este un regizor danez, activist pentru drepturile omului. Este licențiat în „Studii de Film și Mass media”.

Cele trei episoade ale trilogiei:

  • Episodul 1 – Contextul istoric
  • Episodul 2 – Contextul politic
  • Episodul 3 – Verdict și concluzii finale


Episodul 1 – Contextul istoric

Vizualizari : 80,009


Episodul 2 – Contextul politic

Vizualizari : 61,066


Episodul 3 – Verdict și concluzii finale

Vizualizari : 45,460



    • Thank you, Nicolai! the homepage looks great and it is very easy to share. I hope in this way we can raise more awareness internationally regarding the abuses against MISA Yoga School and our spiritual guide Grieg; most of all helping others to understand that the real cause of what is happening in these cases is a political order against a courageous man who is teaching yoga as a path which helps people to awaken their consciousness and break free from any type of manipulation. Such a freedom is always a threat to any kind of manipulative, corrupt system. "Know the truth and the truth shall set you free!"

  1. Thank you Nicolaj for making all this material available. The evidence that are brought into the light cannot make you wonder who is the trubbel maker and the illwilling force behind these sceems. It is all made so clear… I Think it is Amazing at what COSTs people can make up these storys and Think that nobody will ever be able to see the thruth. I hope that many many will see these documentaries. And lets pray for our beloved spiritual guide every day !

    • "I Think it is Amazing at what COSTs people can make up these storys and Think that nobody will ever be able to see the thruth."

      I think that they don't really care if people are able to see the truth. They are used to be in positions of great power in society, and are using the strategy "A lie presented often enough tends to become a truth". As such they don't really care if the lie is obvious for some people. And as long as the magistrate system to a big extend is under political control, then it dosen't really matter to them, since such lies, or abuses of power will not have any consequences for them.
      As such they feel safe.

      But when the lies reaches a larger audience, even an international audience, and becomes obvious for still more people, then who knows what will happen…

    • Thank you, Nicolai, for your amazing efforts. 🙂 Thank you for helping the truth reach as many people as possible.

  2. VICTORY! Today, April 26th, 2016, justice finally prevailed and the European Court of Human Rights decided that Romania has to pay 291,000 Euros to 26 yoga practitioners who were the victims of the abuses made against them on March 18, 2004. While yoga professor Gregorian Bivolaru is still detained in Paris, France on FALSE accusations waiting for a trial on May 11th, we hope and ask that justice will prevail in his case as well! Congratulations for this great documentary which explains the context of these abuses which many people find it hard to believe, however, unfortunately they are real. I hope more people will research and understand the context of the MISA and Gregorian Bivolaru case from an unbiased perspective.

    • Yes it is wonderful! The second episode is just waiting for the last corrections of the subtitles to be done, and it will have premiere soon after the Herculane camp. And thank you for watching!

    • Thank you so much for all the wonderful work!
      We await the second episode with great expectation here in Portugal.

  3. Excellent Documentary! Straight, honest, informative and touching. Puts together the pieces into the big picture with attention to the details. Great filmaking, bringing facts and clarity to a case that has been and still is being represented in the mainstream media by lies, defamation and misinformation. The publication of this documentary is very necessary in this hour when Mr. Bivolaru is again suffering severe human rights violations, being on trial and imprisioned in France due to an unjust European arrest warrant fabricated by the Romanian authorities for the same case for which he was given political asylum in Sweden.
    We are waiting anxiously the release of the two following episodes.
    Thank you and congratulations to Nicolai, MISA TV and all who worked on this film to make it happen.

    • Thank you Reiner, for the heart-warming commentary 🙂 Regarding the second episode, we hope to have it up running in the end of this month.


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