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Venus Romania invites you to enthusiastically attend the online International Camp for Women, SHAKTI IN ECSTASY 2021 event  taking place between the 14th – 17th  of October, 2021.

Please note: This spiritual camp is for all female students and supporters of this spiritual yoga school, who aspire to awaken the state of shakti within themselves.

The theme of the camp:

Revelations of the mysteries of the godly, sublime, oceanic and overwhelming love that are revealed in various ways by Maha Shakti


Register by: October 7th 2021:

Also required for your registration: clear photo (digital), taken after May 1st 2021, in a two-piece swimsuit, showing the entire body facing the camera and including the date.

Registration fee

Participants from Romania:

  • Full fee – 175 lei
  • Shakti group coordinators, yoga, shaivism and tantra instructors, ayurveda lecturers – 150 lei
  • Establishments in Romania will receive a free participation code. Participants who wish to have a separate code must pay one of the above fees.

Participants from abroad:

  • Full fee – 90 euros
  • Shakti group coordinators, yoga, shaivism and tantra instructors, ayurveda lecturers – 65 euros
  • For those living in Ashrams – 45 eur

Payments can be made in cash at the Venus office, by bank transfer or by card. Further details to be provided after registration.

Those who register after the 7 October 2021 deadline  will  pay a surcharge of 50 lei/10 euros.

Participants will have access to the recorded materials for 30 days after the camp ends.


Conferences and workshops included in the programme:


  • Important initiatic aspects concerning the mystery of the universal creative energy, which in the Tantric and alchemical esoteric knowledge of the Mahasiddha Yoga tradition, is symbolically referred to as „Shiva’s Semen„- Nicolae Catrina (Adinathananda)
  • The amazing and inexhaustible gifts of Tantric esoteric art, through which the overwhelming Maha Shakti reveals mysterious and fascinating forms of godly love – Aghora Vidya
  • The delightful and transforming practice of prayer and communion with the Godly Attributes in the context of romantic love relationships and spiritual couples – Maria Blandine Wegener
  • The sublime, deifying manifestation of Maha Shakti in and through the yoni, heart and consciousness of initiated women, who adore God unceasingly – Simona Corduneanu
  • The inner freedom that generates an immense power of beneficial fascination in the woman who puts God first in her life – Aida Călin
  • The extraordinary grace of Maha Shakti manifested through two women united in mutual love and the powerfully transforming occult effect of multiplicity in a polyamorous Tantric threesome relationship – Neza and Benedict Newton
  • The necessity of an attitude of mutual understanding, acceptance and forgiveness to deepen the state of love and adoration in a spiritual couple relationship – Raluca Popescu
  • Workshop: Awakening and amplifying the fire of godly love in our feminine hearts and beings by activating certain subtle energetic structures with the help of esoteric Tantric massage – Crina Atomulesă
  • The commitment in a love relationship and the mutual support in the souls of the two lovers in an erotic and loving couple. To those who have, and who make the most of what they have in a godly integrated way, more will be givenȘtefania and Ionuț Costin
  • Practical ways to overcome – within the happy couple relationship – some situations that generate inner tensions, by amplifying love for and ineffable communion with Maha ShaktiLalita Dochinoiu
  • Dance Workshop: Capturing the abundant subtle sublime energy of Godly Love in our being through transfiguring dance, which also helps us connect to the gigantic sphere of power of Maha ShaktiAmi Răduț
  • Traits of the state of adoration of Parvati towards Shiva, or how to love in a feminine way, deeply, fully, overwhelmingly, thus awakening Shiva within your lovers – Paula Dafinoiu
  • Dance workshop: The gradual awakening through dance of the state of deep surrender and self-giving of Maha Shakti towards her beloved, God – Daniela Mărunțelu
  • How I was able to open myself to love, to build and consolidate a fulfilling, deeply transforming couple relationship by implementing the occult principle of erotic love emulation – Loredana Pulpan
  • Let us allow ourselves to be inspired by Maha Shakti and to always choose wisely to actively manifest godly love by successfully overcoming spiritual tests – Victoria Trif
  • Communion ritual with Maha Shakti
  • Techniques for entering into resonance with the sphere of force of the supreme Godly Mother Maha Shakti


Special examplifications supported by our Spiritual Guide:


  • The pure, imaculate and unwavering love that Maha Shakti pours impetuously into and through the heart of the woman who is ardently abandoned in adoration of the Beloved God.
  • The euphoric state of endless, ecstasy-generating inner freedom of a woman who puts God first in her life
  • The constant and mutual love of profound unity in soul and spirit with the beloved one, even when they are at a great distance
  • Parvati’s state of adoration of Shiva, which makes her be a continuous source of godly inspiration
  • The state of deep purification that gradually appears in one’s being through the awakening and amplifying in the inner universe of the fire of godly love that flows in eternity from the enigmatic heart of Maha Shakti
  • The state of model love between God the Father and Maha Shakti – sublime inspiring goal of the heart of the spiritual woman who aspires to perfect herself in love
  • The state of beneficial and overwhelming fascination of a woman who is in love with God
  • The endless state of enlightening love that floods our being especially when we put God in the center of our lives moment by moment
  • The state of ample, profound, harmonious dynamization in the microcosm of our being of the universal creative energy which is symbolically referred to as the „Mysterious Semen of Shiva” in the tantric and alchemical esotericism of the Mahasiddha Yoga tradition
  • The state of inspiring and profoundly transforming transfiguration of all the men (participants in the Vira in ecstasy camp) into perfect manifestation channels of the supreme absolute God (Brahman)
  • The state of inspiring and profoundly transforming transfiguration of all women (participating in the Shakti in ecstasy camp) into perfect manifestation channels of the supreme godly mother Maha Shakti


Further information: +40726403660, +40737620999, email:





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